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‘Songs in the Suitcase vol. 0’, Torino, 28 Settembre 2023

  |   Exhibitions

A suitcase is a special object. In fact, it can be filled with memories, emotions, stories, which go hand in hand with the journeys it takes. In this way, a suitcase can also be filled with music, with songs that are travel companions for many people, which are a vehicle for countless memories.

SONGS IN THE SUITCASE vol. O is the introductory chapter of a series of musical itineraries created by Borgatta’s Factory and VelespArt for the Spazio Musa in Via della Consolata 11/E in Turin. With the artistic direction of Silvano Borgatta (voice, piano), on stage together with Alberto Borgatta (narrations, voice, bouzouki) and Luca Borgatta (voice, guitar), this first journey will be a sort of synthesis along the physical and musical roads , of Italy, among stories and songs by the great authors and songwriters of our country.

The appointment will be on Thursday 28 September at 9pm. Entry is free